Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You're my present this year!

We all just watched this in the Burkina Faso Peace Corps office, after being prompted by a comment by my mom. I'm sure you've all seen it, but it just feels very... relevant. Maybe this will introduce it to some other PC volunteers or interested individuals.

"It's a long way from West Africa!"


  1. Glad I could entertain you all! but isn't it so almost freaky-not just Africa, but WEST Africa!!! I sure do miss you, but feel somewhat comforted by the fact you can see youtube at least for a few days! Enjoy and know we love you! Mama

  2. I cry whenever I see it-- my daughter is posted in Benin...

  3. David Kolva, M.D.12/26/09, 4:31 PM

    Merry Christmas Dave.
    Stay safe, happy and energetic.
    Dave and Olga Kolva
