Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You're my present this year!

We all just watched this in the Burkina Faso Peace Corps office, after being prompted by a comment by my mom. I'm sure you've all seen it, but it just feels very... relevant. Maybe this will introduce it to some other PC volunteers or interested individuals.

"It's a long way from West Africa!"

Monday, December 21, 2009

I'll Be Home for Christmas...

Hey everyone, I just wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, and a happy 2010! Can you believe it's already been 10 years since the Millenial Crisis?!? Well, this year will be a bit different for me, as it will be the 1st holiday season spent away from my family. Fortunately, I'll be with my best new and old friends. I'm traveling through Burkina Faso to Mali in order to do some exploring there with Sarah and Brad, two other TEFL volunteers. My Christmas night will most likely be spent on an overnight bus to pick up Ali, who is crazy enough to leave his family in Austin to join me for another New Years together!!!! From there we are going to continue on to the Dogon Country, an ancient and sacred region in which we will hike for a few days. Although I'll be physically alone on Christmas Day, I know that I'll be in your thoughts, and vise versa.

Please drink some eggnog for me.

Peace be with you all this holiday season.
