Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Pics!

I upload these little by little since it takes so long.

The first is a picture of Sarah Ellison, who lives really close to me at post. We are on the ferry ride to Ganvie.

The second is another picture of the Collines. This was taken from atop the hill by my house.

The third is the stilt village of Ganvie, which I spoke about in my last blog post.


  1. Hi Bud,
    I love seeing the pictures, keep them coming when you can! My second graders are learning about continents right now and they know Africa because "Mrs. C's brother lives there!"
    Did you get the package Maggie and I sent? I was so concerned about the packing of it and writing religious stuff on the outside that I realized after I closed it that I forgot to put a letter or note in there. Sorry about that.
    What do you need pictures of? I know you'd like old magazines - what type? Are they for your classes? Let me know and I'll track them down.
    Love you,

  2. Glad to see you still remember to wear your good old western (literally) shirt!Is that a red beard you are growing? Love you, Mom

  3. Robin Cowell9/20/09, 3:09 PM

    Dave, I like the beard, and you won't waste water shaving. Your posts are great to read. I hope you'll be able to keep them up, and more pics please. Is the dress your "mom" is wearing one of her creations? It's very beautiful.

  4. I am with the National Peace Corps Associaiton and I wanted to urge you to check out our new africa rural connect website. Here is the link: Please also share this link with any friends or family you think may be interested. Thanks!


  5. Dave,
    Great blog! Hope we can make the connection soon to start with the Peace Corp Penpal program. (Hope they got in touch with you.) If they do not get to it officiallly, I will just start having the class write anyway. They will love this. Keep the pictures coming!
    Best wishes,

    Laurel Artz
