Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kemon by proxy

We spoke with Dave tonight, and as he does not have electricity in Kemon, he asked that we post this for him. Dave arrived in his new post on Monday. He found that his predecessor Rachel had left him everything that he needs for his "apartment". He is very appreciative of Rachel and all she left for him there. She even left him a scavenger hunt to help explore his new environs! Quite clever, eh?
His first text to us reported that he was napping with the cat on his lap. He also said that last night he had the best sleep that he has had since he arrived in Africa. Seems that living without electricity is relaxing for him. As we talked tonight he said that the local goats were leaping onto the wall around his porch. It is about three and one half feet tall. Didn't know that they were jumpers!

Dave has been out to have a local beverage with both the local director of education and the Parent-teacher President. He is going to meet with the Principal soon. It appears that in addition to teaching, Dave will be trying to establish a school library (more on that later).

He purchased a Beninese cell phone today. His neighbor said that he has a generator and can charge his phone for him, So, phone calls are in order for those so inclined! Same number as posted here.

We asked about his first day today in Kemon. It started with a thorough sweeping of the house with help from lots of the neighbors. He then played soccer with the local kids. He washed his laundry ( a 3 hour ordeal) and to his credit he refused help from the neighbors. He went into town to pick up a phone, and then watched people go by at the one intersection in town. And oh yes, neighborhood children came to visit and Dave learned a lesson, don't leave pens out in the open! Every one of his pens were gone after they left! Evidently they really do cherish American writing utensils! guess he should update his "wish list"!

So, it appears all is well in Kemon! and hopefully Dave will be able to put new "lyrical" posts up soon. MJ and D Cowell

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