Monday, March 14, 2011

Benny's New Glasses

So Benoit, one of the smartest students I had at CEG Ikemon last year, lives in Parakou now. We see each other often, usually to cook and for me to give he and another student their living allowances. But Benoit has always been a noticeably squinty student. He would always ask to be moved closer to the blackboard, and it never seemed like he could open his eyes very widely. I feared the worst. So we took off to an amazing clinic today that's run by a Scottish ophthalmologist, at which he is able to see around 150 patients every day. Yeah... Here's our morning through the most honest of methods of reporting:

We started our journey by taking a moto-taxi out into the bush. The clinic is located a few km north of Parakou.
The complex is sprawling, and Benoit didn't know what to expect from an eye doctor, but he seemed composed as we approached the clinic.

We had to wait in a sizable line, but we had nothing but time this morning.

Although it appeared that others had a bit longer to wait as they camped out in the shade.

We finally got in to see the doctor.

And they gave him an old-fashioned check up.

End result? Styling! This was all relatively fast and really cheap. Overall, a very impressive organization.


  1. This just shows another way the Peace Corps changes lives, one person at a time. Bravo Benoit!!! Mama Cowell
